Commute Cost Calculator

How much do you spend on just getting to and from work? Play with our commute cost calculator to see how much you spend on commuting every day, every month and every year.

Maintenance Cost per Mile based on Vehicle Type is based on AAA's 'Your Driving Costs 2021'


While most places, including Buffalo, have tried really hard in the past to make your life car-dependent, we're lucky enough to still have other options. It's still easy to walk and bike around in most areas, and we have a transit system that runs on almost every major street. So, you can just get rid of your car altogether, or you can start reducing those hefty operating costs by replacing trips with other modes.


Habits are hard to break, so it might be best to take baby steps if you decide to start driving less. Next time you need to go somewhere within a few miles, try walking or biking there. See if you like it - and if you do - start doing it more often and to more places.

Going to work or somewhere with good transit service? Perhaps somewhere that doesn't require a transfer? Try taking Metro Rail or Bus there. Again, see if you like it - and if you do, try taking it to even more places.


• Walking and biking are free

• Monthly Transit Passes range from $50 - $75

• Most Carshare members save more than $5000 a year by switching over from personal ownership